Special Requests

If certain items that are not generally offered as standard are frequently requested at your Property, you can create a list of “special requests” that a client may request for their room during their stay.  Some examples might be extra towels, hypo-allergenic pillow, or a crib. The Special Requests command opens the Special Requests Maintenance area and allows you to create a list of all such special requests a client may request to have in the room during their stay. These items can be associated with the guest record and carry over to the stay record, or just associated with a specific stay.  

This is part of the OPTIONAL configuration for Skyware Systems. You may edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.

This selection is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware.

Note: To ATTACH any special requests to a stay or guest record, use the Special Requests / Preferences icon from the toolbar of the Guest Account, Group Account, Guest Stay or Group Stay screen.  You can check all of the appropriate special requests, and free form type any notes about the guest's preferences.



Date Updated May 11, 2021